Here are some of my beginning thoughts about what I would like to explore in this class
When thinking about "the contemporary", the first thing that comes to my mind is TIME
What constitutes a "fleeting thought"?
Im interested in the CONTRAST between the TRADITIONAL and the CONTEMPORARY
Fleeting thought in my head
Say it out loud
Record it
Choose what thoughts to work through
Think about elements and principals of art/design
Embroider, this now "reprocessed thought"
Edit recordings into sound piece
So what am I talking about when I say, "REPROCESSING"?
LEE WALTON, in this piece is taking his friends Facebook posts, then acting them out, then posting them back on their timelines. To me this is a great inspiration of "reprocessing". First "this thought" popped into his friends head. Then they decided to write down that thought on Facebook. Then Walton took that thought and took the time to act out that thought and film it. Then he took the time to repost it on his friends timeline. Just this idea of something that just "popped" into someones head has now been reprocessed SO many times. Think about how much TIME has now been spent with that thought!
I'm just very interested in the idea of spending time with something most people would never spend time with
I started looking through projects, exhibitions, reviews and writings by Kirsty Robertson. What drew me to her was her interest in textiles, (especially embroidery)!
As an artist Im inspired by this overlap of craft/textiles and social discourses. Using craft and textiles not just as a "fun" pass time, but using it as a platform for meaningful work
Elaine Reichek is a contemporary artist work with embroidery and text
I found it very relevant, that Reichek was also contrasting the traditional and the contemporary in her works. Introducing digital technology into the traditional art form of hand embroidery
I really like that she uses different stitches for the fonts in her works- I want to do that as well
SO basically Tracey Emin is my FAVOURITE artist...EVER
Her works have always been a HUGE influence in all my works, but especially for the project Im working on for contemporary- Her use of thought, text, immediacy, embroidery, time and intimacy are all aspects that I aim to utilize in my work/research
These are 2 pages I found helpful with learning new stitches!