So, this is how it started... This was the image that I made and posted onto my different social media platforms
Facebook post
Facebook Post in my Practicum group
Instagram Story on my Private Account
My Snapchat Story
Instagram Post from my Art Account
Friends Sharing my Posts on their Accounts
I made a bunch of different coloured pictures to decide which image would catch the most people's attention
I decided on the bright blue with black, bold font. I thought it would catch people's attention but not be so in your face that you would scroll right past it
Emails coming in
Deciding on what clips to put together, after a lot of trial and error I found that IMovie was the best program to edit different voice clips together. It was tricky because different people were sending me different video/audio formats and some programs would accept all the files.
Once again, after a lot of trial and error I finally figured out how to upload the videos on Youtube. I made myself an account, and was able to share them to me "CLIPS" page on my hotglue
STEP ONE- Read entire set of instructions before beginning STEP TWO

STEP TWO- Click this LINKā€¦

STEP THREE- Take some time and listen to the different recordings on their own- try playing multiple videos at once (STEP THREE works best with headphones)

STEP FOUR- Think about what they are, why are they together, how do you feel?

STEP FIVE- Share with the group your thoughts and experiences
Written Description